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Image by Rebecca Peterson-Hall


At some point in our lives, most of us experience the loss of a loved one. Mediumship can help you move through the grieving process. There is continuity of life. Our loved ones are still with us. For me, much of the pain of loss was the uncertainty, not knowing if my loved ones were alright or if I would ever see them again. 


Life does go on, for us and our loved ones. You can still have a relationship with loved ones on the other side, just in a different way.

Profound Healing from Grief

I've always been interested in the afterlife. When my mom died in 2005, I went into a severe depression that lasted about 2 years. My sister brought me to a medium who told me things only my mom and I knew. The instant relief I felt was beyond words. I felt I could move forward. I'd like to bring that healing relief to you.

Connecting with Those You Love

I love seeing the palatable relief in people when they connect with their loved ones. Part of mediumship is showing you how to connect with your loved ones for yourself. Our loved ones are sending us signs to let us know they’re still with us. I want to help you recognize your signs and learn to connect with them yourself.

Your Loved Ones Are Still with You

All of us have experienced “coincidences” that can’t really be explained by anything other than Divine intervention. I believe these are actually well orchestrated occurrences by the Spirit World to help things fall into place for us. I love when that happens!

Sessions are by appointment only and can be done by phone, Zoom, or in person at my Culpeper Virginia office.

Give the Gift of Mediumship

We offer gift cards, perfect for anyone seeking personal growth, stress relief, or healthier habits. Help your loved ones embark on their journey to positive change. Purchase a gift card today, either tailored for one of our workshops, or any other service!

Family Medium Reading

A family reading is designed for up to 5 people in the same family. Readings are 60-90 minutes in length. Both medium and psychic information can be given. You will have the opportunity to learn how to connect with loved ones for yourself. Please do not give any information about you, the family, or loved ones prior to your session.


Medium Reading

Individual readings are up to 1 hour in length. Both medium and psychic information can be given in this session. You will have the opportunity to learn how to connect with your loved ones for yourself. Please do not give any information about you or loved ones prior to your session.


1-on-1 Grief Workshop

This 1-hour workshop is tailored to your needs. It will focus on grief healing, recognizing signs from your deceased loved ones and additional grief resources. There is a guided meditation to help you connect to your loved ones for yourself. IT IS NOT A MEDIUM READING.


Past Life Regression

A past life regression is a gentle hypnosis intended to guide you to memories of a past life. Clients choose to have a past life regression to gain insights to their life’s path, purpose, challenges, or triumphs. Some believe this can help in dealing with current life situations. A regression is up to 90 minutes in length and includes post discussion and additional information and resources.


Questions? Ready to schedule?

Disclaimer: Although I passionately believe in this work, I must have a disclaimer. Information is offered for personal & entertainment purposes. It is not intended to replace advice or counsel of medical, financial, legal, business or psychological experts. It should not replace your own free will, judgment or personal responsibility. Accuracy during any reading cannot be guaranteed since all psychic or mediumistic contact is considered experimental in nature. It is open to interpretation & cannot be considered as absolutely accurate. Sessions are intended for adults 18 years or older.

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